Saint John Bowlarama

248 Lancaster Avenue
Saint John, New Brunswick  E2M 2K8
20 Lanes
Overall Rating:
10 / 10 (1 review)
10 / 10

Customer Review

it is soooo awsome i love i there and so do my kids they went there for a birhday party recentley and they are begging for me to take them back.they expecially love the arcade i want to go back to i will definatley recomend it to my friends and freqwentley bing them back and bring my friends and there kids.bowlerama saint john is more detaled than any other bowling lane that ive been to expecially addingcomic bolwing for the kiddies and stuff and it is as great place to have that special family bond and the prices are good i will definatly be back with my kids it made me feel like a kid again

thanks bowlerama saint john ill be back

on at 9:07 AM
Saint John Bowlarama is a top-flight candlepin bowling center!  We offer glow-in-the-dark bowling, birthday party facilities, air hockey and pool tables, video games, a licensed bar and snack area and more!

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